
Radon Measurement Professional Course


**This course is still in the process of getting approval for Initial Training for the Radon Measurement Professional Certification.**


  • It covers topics such as sources of radon, mechanics of radon entry, measurement protocols, devices, and quality assurance/quality control.
  • The course also covers all practical competencies including: Health Risk, Occurrence & Behavior, Measurement & Devices, QA/QC, Mitigation Overview and Worker Health & Safety.

Continuing Education Credits:

  • BPI Recognized for 4 CEU Credits
  • Approved for 16 ASHI® Continuing Education Credits
  • Approved for 8 Radon CE Credits

Register Now  Course Package: $295 

Course not available in: Florida, Illinois, Ohio, and New Jersey.

Course Package Includes:

  • Multimedia Course Presentation with Video Instructor
  • Practice Quizzes at the End of Each Module
  • Practice Final Exam
  • Course Completion Certificate (emailed within 48 hours upon request following course completion)
  • 4 BPI CEU Credits for Continuing Education
  • 16 ASHI® Continuing Education Credits

Who Should Take This Course

  • Those interested in a new career
  • Home inspectors
  • Indoor air quality professionals
  • Real estate professionals
  • Insurance professionals
  • Contractors (HVAC, remodeling, weatherization, window & door, flooring/carpeting, waterproofing)

Topics Covered

  • Sources of Radon
  • Mechanics of Radon Entry
  • Radon Measurement Protocols
  • Radon Measurement Devices
  • Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA//QC)
  • Health Risk
  • Occurrence & Behavior
  • Worker Health & Safety
  • Radon Mitigation Overview

Learn From The Best

david horton webDavid Horton has been involved in construction for more than 25 years.  Spending time as a carpenter, and executing other trades, David learned a lot about how buildings can be flawed.  Seeking to correct these flaws, particularly with respect to energy efficiency, he sought out training.  David received training from nationally recognized organizations, such as BPI, RESNET, GBCI, NCI and PHIUS.

David’s training in high performance construction, coupled with prior trade experience served him well.  He was able to use this knowledge to help make other HERS Raters better, in his capacity as a Quality Assurance Designee and HERS Rater Instructor.

After serving as a QAD, & Trainer for a number of HERS and LEED for Homes Providers, David has taken the best things that they all taught him and founded the company, “Quality Training, Precision Inspections”, or QTPI.  This company provides training to professionals, as well as quality assurance to buildings.  QTPI provides turnkey service to all green building programs, including Energy Star, LEED, PHIUS+, NGBS and more.

David is currently retrofitting a farm house in Central Kentucky, in hopes that it can be a net zero energy working organic farm, as well as a haven of permaculture.  His goal is to provide all things his family consumes from the land they live on, or a body of water that is less than 2 miles away, and deliver any excess to those that need it most.

David hopes to leave the world a better place than he found it, for his children, grandchildren and generations to come.

Certification Exam

Reminder: This course is still in the process of getting approval for Initial Training for the Radon Measurement Professional Certification.  

This course includes quizzes at the end of each module to ensure that all important ideas and concepts are clearly identified and understood. The NRPP Certification Exam is not included with the course. 

Get NRPP exam information & register for your exam at https://nrpp.info/nrpp-exams/.

All NRPP certification exams are now proctored remotely online through Examity.com’s live proctoring platform. Once you pay for your exam, you will receive an email from Examity with login information to set up your profile and schedule your exam.

The new NRPP Radon Measurement Professional Exam is 150 questions with a 3-hour time limit. Candidates can purchase copies of the standards at standards.aarst.org 

For other exam or certification information, please go to www.aarst-nrpp.com.

Enjoy Our Flexible Training

  1. Start your online course immediately upon registration
  2. Go at your own pace, review as necessary

You're in Control

Complete your NRPP Radon Measurement Professional Course on your own schedule, when you have time and when you learn best. You can start your online training immediately after you register. Log into your course 24/7 anywhere you have internet access - even on your phone! Start and stop whenever you want, and pick up right where you left off.. It's superior quality training at an unbeatable price - with complete flexibility! What are you waiting for? Register today!

Register Now Only $295

Course not available in: Florida, Illinois, Ohio and New Jersey

Questions? Call 1-800-518-1877

Student Testimonials

"Thank you for such a thorough course. - Michael A. Lawson, Pillar To Post
"Thank you so much, a tough course, but VERY WELL presented and easy to navigate!" - Terry Ross, Real Estate Agent, Chase International
"I recently completed my Residential Radon Measurement Certification Course in preparation for my NRPP exam. The online course work was well laid out, informative, and easy to access!" - Jon Cameron, Cameron Home Inspections, LLC