All 3 Online: Building Science Principles, Building Analyst Technician, and Building Analyst Professional
All in one - Online and On Demand Courses, Everything you need, including Big Savings.
We understand that learning is a personal journey. Our courses are designed to offer flexibility, allowing you to learn at your own pace from anywhere, enhance your skills, and advance your career.
These courses provide participants with the skills, knowledge, and training needed to enter the clean energy industry workforce. The clean energy workforce is responsible for reducing energy waste in homes and businesses and improving indoor environments. The job outlook for this industry is promising.
Students will receive the online course immediately after registration. This course focuses on the fundamentals of building science, occupant safety, and energy efficiency. Exams will be given at the end of the course, and passing is a prerequisite for the other certifications.
After completing BSP, students will take this course online and then in person. The Building Analyst Technician is trained to conduct energy assessments on buildings using tools and equipment. The course includes a proctored field exam based on BPI standards. A passing score of 70% or higher is required for certification. Passing this course is necessary to proceed to the next.
The building analyst professional is responsible for creating work scopes, estimating materials and labor, developing and implementing solutions, and inputting data into energy modeling systems. Private and public organizations highly respect this certification. A written exam with a 70% or higher passing score is required for certification.
Benefits of the course
- Supplemental online materials with 24/7 access
- Direct instructor access for consultation and tutoring
- BSP exam code with testing on your own
- Proctoring Services: BAT and BAP.
The total cost for the three classes with exams and remote proctoring separately is $2,299. You are saving $300 by purchasing the bundle.
Questions? Call 1-800-518-1877
"Having worked for 15 years as a construction laborer, I knew nothing about the science and mechanical ventilation side of housing. Green Training's Building Analyst course did a great job of educating me on both. I was able to pass both my written and field BPI tests on the first try with flying colors." - Eric Rain, WC Heating

"Easy Audit" Software
One year access to Home Energy Team's "Easy Audit" energy audit report software. Easy to use. Save time. ($540 value)
Job Pricing Calculator
One year access to Home Energy Team's Job Pricing Calculator to help you accurately price home performance contracting jobs at the prospect's kitchen table. ($540 value)
Online Marketing Guide
Home Energy Team's comprehensive guide to marketing your business online. Learn where and how to get your company listed online for the best results. Includes two secrets to higher rankings in Google and other search engines. ($1500 value)
Call 1-800-518-1877 for more information
with course purchase
Up to $1500 value