New NATE Certification for RESNET Home Energy Raters

In mid-June, RESNET announced that certified RESNET Home Energy Raters would soon be able to get a new certification – the North American Technician Excellence (NATE) HVAC Performance Verification Certification. Say that five times fast!
Added Credibility for RESNET Home Energy Raters
While the words are many, the idea is simple: the new certification – which we’ll call NATE for short – will be hugely beneficial for current and new RESNET Home Energy Raters because of the added credibility it will offer for Raters when they are reviewing load calculations and performing quality assurance reviews on HVAC systems. This certification can be used in conjunction with various programs, including EPA’s Energy Star Certified Homes Program, HVAC Quality Installation Programs and ACCA’s Residential Service & Installation (RSI) Program.
Must Pass Test
The NATE certification is valuable, and won’t just be handed out to current RESNET Home Energy Raters. Those who are interested in obtaining the NATE certification must first pass the NATE test. NATE and RESNET worked together to create a comprehensive test that would prepare the most credible and qualified workforce. RESNET accredited rating providers will soon receive a beta version of the test so those who are interested in the NATE certification can get started right away.
Help Homeowners, Help Your Business
This certification will be an asset for Home Energy Raters. The additional credibility and service offered will help lead to increased revenue, higher margins and increased levels of customer satisfaction. Consumers are interested in increasing the energy efficiency of their homes, and the NATE certification will help Home Energy Raters give it to them.
To find out more, or for a free career consultation, call Green Training USA at 1-800-518-1877 or visit