American Schools Getting Funding For Energy Efficiency

As municipal and state governments start to take a serious look at how they can improve energy efficiency, one place to start is schools. With almost 100,000 public elementary and secondary schools in the United States, this is an obvious area to make energy efficiency investments. Not just from a cost perspective, but also to set an example for the next generation of Americans who will be taking energy efficiency into their own hands.
Legislation Mandating Energy Efficiency
States are now using legislation to mandate money for investments in energy efficiency in public schools. One example is in California, where Proposition 39, which was passed in November, allowed for investing in energy-savings projects in schools like energy-efficient heating systems, solar panels, and other remodeling or repairs. Other states are taking note, and looking to follow the same path.
Energy Upgrades Save Money
Schools in the United States are an average of 50 years old. That amounts to a lot of schools ready for energy audits and retrofit projects to make them more energy efficient. This isn’t just a good example for the students, but given shrinking school budgets over the past few years, it is an excellent way for schools to invest in projects that will help save money for years to come.
Fixing Schools Fixes The Economy
And there is another opportunity beyond cost savings and leading by example for students. Local economies will benefit as schools undertake energy efficiency projects by employing local energy auditors, contractors and more.
Money For Energy Upgrades
As governments are starting to see the opportunity of increasing energy efficiency in schools, they are giving the funds to schools to do just that. Prop. 39 will distribute $467 million in California to K-12 schools, community colleges and energy conservation assistance programs in 2013-14. Statewide, that amount will grow to $550 million for 2014-15. And other states are looking to do the same things – old schools are all over the country, and increasing energy efficiency is a top government priority.
As schools start to take on energy efficiency projects, there will be a lot of new opportunities for the green industry to get involved.
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