GAF and Green Training USA Have Partnered
To Offer GAF Customer Discounted RESNET EnergySmart Training
" GAF strongly encourages our contractors to earn their RESNET Energysmart certification. The EnergySmart Contractor credential is an essential tool in your ability to market and differentiate yourself and your company. It provides you with customized capabilities and enters you into a community of professionals from energy-related fields that are dealing with the same issues you face. Show your customers you have what it takes – that you go above and beyond everyday requirements – to bring them the well-rounded knowledge, skills and abilities they should expect from their contractor. "
What is a RESNET Qualified EnergySmart Contractor?
An EnergySmart Contractor is credentialed to work in concert with certified auditors and raters to complete existing-home retrofit work in compliance with the RESNET home performance work scope standards of practice.
What are the Benefits of Becoming an EnergySmart Contractor?
Having the EnergySmart Contractor designation sets you apart from your competition, gives you third-party credibility, and provides homeowners as well as energy auditors the confidence that you can competently install energy improvement measures according to nationally recognized standards. You can also team-up with an independent RESNET certified rater of auditor as part of a Home Performance Team.
Once qualified, your company is eligible for promotion on the RESNET Directory of Qualified Contractors. You can also post a RESNET EnergySmart promotional video on your website and display the EnergySmart logo in all your marketing materials.
See Course, Registration, and Exam Details below.
About Us
Because Green Training USA is the nation's premier training provider for home energy professionals, BPI and RESNET have accredited us as an educational partner. Our online modules have been professionally designed for an optimal but affordable learning experience. Our advanced courses are combined with regional hands-on sessions with experienced instructors. We will quickly teach you all the necessary energy audit and retrofit skills to diversify and grow your business.
RESNET Qualified EnergySmart Contractor
Regularly $349 Special GAF Customer Price $299
(Use coupon code gaf)
This 8-hour online course will prepare you for the RESNET Qualified Contractors Exam. The course is divided into 2 modules for a total of 9 sessions and covers all the foundational building energy fundamentals and retrofit work scope requirements and recommendations.A RESNET Qualified Contractor is credentialed to work in concert with certified auditors to complete home performance improvement work in compliance with RESNET's work scope standards of practice. Once qualified, the contractor is eligible for listing on the RESNET Registry of Qualified Contractors and can proudly display the RESNET Energy-Smart logo on his website and marketing materials for only $250 per year. Begin the online course immediately and take up to 30 days to complete.
Course Details/Agenda
Topics covered include:
- Basics of heat transfer concepts and air distribution leakage
- The energy consequences of common construction practices
- Basic Combustion Appliance concerns
- Basics of envelope and duct leakage, air sealing and insulation
- Understanding of thermal boundaries
- The House as a System - Basics of measure interaction, expected life and bundling for optimal performance
- RESNET retrofit work scope requirements and recommendations
At the end of the course, students will be ready for the RESNET Qualified Contractors Exam and be qualified to include optimal home performance measures in their existing contracting business.
Course Materials
The course is all online and includes practice exam questions. For added enrichment, purchase a copy of the textbook, Residential Energy by Krigger and Dorsi.
Who should take this course?
Contractors who perform services related to any of the following: HVAC, insulation, air sealing, remodeling, windows and doors, siding, plumbing, handyman, solar, IAQ, roofing, home automation Homebuilders who want to work with Raters to build EnergyStar Homes
Prerequisite Requirements
None; some knowledge of residential construction practices is beneficial
Tuition/Exam Cost
Our introductory EnergySmart Contractor package has been reduced to $299 for GAF Customers and includes:
- the complete 8-hour e-Learning module
- the RESNET EnergySmart Contractor Exam fee
- the annual CEQ* Provider Certification fee for the first year