BPI Exams & Prep Materials
Exams and prep materials for certification renewal
or re-test, for BPI Building Analyst, BPI Building Envelope, BPI Multifamily Building Analyst, and BPI HEP Quality Control Inspector (QCI), and BPI Infiltration and Duct Leakage (IDL).
Did you know you can avoid the written re-certification
exams with 30 CEU credits?* See our CEU credit packages
Prep Materials
BPI Building Analyst Field Exam Prep Video
Learn how to perform all the tasks required to pass the *NEW* BPI Building Analyst Field Exam. Includes our Field Exam Checklist to follow during your BPI field exam. $75 for 90-day access. Learn more >>
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BPI Building Analyst Professional Written exam
BPI Multifamily Building Analyst
- Buy Multifamily Building Analyst WRITTEN Exam $300
- Buy Multifamily Building Analyst FIELD/PRACTICAL Exam $300
HEP Quality Control Inspector (QCI)
BPI Quality Control Inspectors must recertify every three (3) years.
QCI Written Exam
- If you have an active HEP Energy Auditor certification and have accumulated and submitted at least six (6) relevant BPI Continuing Education Units (CEUs) over the course of the time you were certified, you may bypass the online exam when it comes time to recertify.
- See our BPI HEP Energy Auditor Certification Package
- Our 6 CEU credit package is a small fraction of the cost of the exam, and there's no risk of failing. Courses are completed online on your schedule. See our CEU packages
HEP Energy Auditor
HEP Energy Auditors must recertify every three (3) years.
HEP Energy Auditor Written Exam
- If you have accumulated and submitted at least 24 relevant BPI Continuing Education Units (CEUs) over the course of the time you were certified, you may bypass the written exam when it comes time to recertify.
- Our 24 CEU course package is less than half the cost of the exam, and there's no risk of failing. Courses are completed online on your schedule. See our CEU packages
Buy HEP Energy Auditor WRITTEN Exam $475
HEP Energy Auditor Field Exam
- All candidates must re-take the field exam to recertify.
Buy HEP EA FIELD Exam $1,120
BPI Infiltration and Duct Leakage (IDL)
- To earn your BPI IDL certification you must pass the field exam with a score of 85% or higher. You will have 1.5 hours to complete the field exam, which is conducted by a Green Training USA proctor by appointment at your location. There is no written exam.
- Once you are comfortable with the material and required tasks, simply call 1-800-518-1877 to schedule your field exam.
- Candidates must provide their own blower door and duct testing equipment. You can purchase Retrotec equipment from Green Training USA at a special discount.